Applanix POS AV GNSS Inertial System and POSTtrack Navigation System

The POS AV (Position Orientation System, Aviation) is a hardware and software system specifically designed for direct georeferencing of airborne sensor data. Recording precision attitude and position data, the POS AV works with all ITRES high performance imagers.

POSTrack is the leading GNSS-aided inertial direct georeferencing and advanced flight management system in a single, easy-to-use package.

RCX Radiometric Correction Software

RCX is our proven and flexible data radiometric correction software, used to both radiometrically correct and calibrate raw image data from an ITRES imager. RCX (along with GCSS) is provided with all sensor purchases.

GCSS Precision Geocorrection Software Suite

The ITRES GCSS pre-processing software includes a suite of programs used to geometrically correct the calibrated sensor image data output by RCX by mapping it onto a chosen coordinate system and datum (e.g. UTM and WGS84).

GCSS works with precision attitude and position data from a variety of GNSS inertial systems, including the POS AV by Applanix Corp.

Imager Calibration System Featuring SpaRCal

ITRES imagers are known for their performance and repeatable and accurate results, traceable to NIST standards. Those wishing to carry out their own sensor calibrations can do so through our calibration system option.

All necessary hardware, software, light standards, and training is provided. Included is our SpaRCal spectral and radiometric calibration software that allows you to easily evaluate instrument performance, process sensor calibration data, and produce your own calibration files.

In-Flight Processing System

The In-Flight Processing System (IPS) provides near-real time data pre-processing and backup capabilities for your ITRES sensor(s), saving you post-mission time and allowing faster access to analysis-ready data upon landing.

For select imagers, the IPS can also perform standard analysis routines on the pre-processed data during flight. For example, the ITRES TSR-1800 search and rescue system utilizes the IPS in performing its automated target detection and geo-tagging during flight, while plotting the results on a moving map display.

MuSIC System

Interested in acquiring multiple spectral regions simultaneously? For every multiple sensor purchase, we provide our proven MuSIC (Multiple Sensor Instrument Controller) software and hardware. MuSIC permits the simultaneous operation of up to five ITRES hyperspectral and thermal imaging sensors via a single sunlight-readable video display. High-altitude displays are also available for use in conducting surveys above 10’000 feet ASL.

Depending on the number of sensors to be co-installed, MuSIC also includes specialized versions of the instrument control unit that serves multiple imagers, reducing the equipment installation footprint in the aircraft.

Stabilized Mounts from Somag and Leica

ITRES offers high-quality gyro-stabilized mounts from Leica and Somag for use with our hyperspectral and thermal imagers. These superb devices provide angular motion compensation using 3-axis gyroscopic stabilization, greatly reducing roll, pitch, and yaw motion effects in our raw imagery as it is acquired.

The use of gyro-stabilization serves to further optimize the quality of our georeferenced imagery by improving the navigation solution achieved from a GNSS inertial system (such as the Applanix POS AV or Novatel SPAN systems). Applying this improved solution using our Geocorrection Software Suite benefits our imagery both in terms of pixel positional accuracy as well as in reducing misalignments between adjacent mosaicked flight lines. Please visit these products’ respective manufacturer’s product pages via the links below:

Remote Operation Capability

With the introduction of remote radio frequency (RF) down-link capability, ITRES again pushes the operational capabilities of commercial airborne hyperspectral mapping to a new frontier