Our History Highlights
In addition to our general activities in sensor sales and hyperspectral survey projects, below are some of the notable highlights from ITRES’ history.
Highlights of 2019
- ITRES crossed another milestone in the history of our company. In July of this year we completed 40 years of establishment.
- ITRES attends InterGEO Trade Exhibition in Stuttgart, Germany from October 17 – October 19th, 2019.
- ITRES delivers a micro system to Airborne Logic in Australia.
- ITRES delivered multiple systems to various clients in China.
Highlights of 2018
- ITRES will be exhibiting at the InterGEO Trade Exhibition in Frankfurt, Germany from October 16 – 18, 2018.
- Delivered micro systems to Northern Ontario School of Medicine (NOSM).
- Ongoing fire mapping in Alberta and British Columbia using the ITRES TABI-1800 to assist the air and ground fire suppression crews.
- ITRES delivers the WISE (WaterSat Imaging Spectrometer Enhanced) as part of a Space Technologies Development Program (STDP) initiated by the Canadian Space Agency (CSA).
Highlights of 2016
- ITRES announces the sale of the first micro-CASI-1920 VNIR imager to the National Research Council of Canada (NRC). NRC’s flight research laboratory in Ottawa will use this new hyperspectral micro imager in support of their on-going multi-disciplinary development of UAV-based applied science applications.
- ITRES awarded a contract to develop an airborne prototype light-weight high performance water color imaging spectrometer for coastal and inland envrironmental and water resource management monitoring. Development work is now underway.
- ITRES’ partner in China, TIANGIS exhibited our hyperspectral and broadband imaging technologies at 20CSRS in Shenzhen. TIANGIS introduced our new suite if micro-imagers.
- ITRES and Teledyne Optech are working with Ocean Cleanup in providing a highly sensitive specialized shortwave infrared (SWIR) hyperspectral imaging and Lidar scanning sensor suite to augment a RGB camera and human spotters on the survey aircraft.
Highlights of 2015
- ITRES and Geodesy crews are deployed to Northern Alberta to provide rapid response high altitude thermal infrared wilfire mapping services.
- ITRES has announced the move of our coprporate headquarters to a new and larger space in Calgary.
- ITRES has rebranded the Micro Systems to more clearly associate their spectral coverage with their long-established, high-perfromance countgerparts, the CASI, SASI and TABI.
The names of the new micro-imagers are microCASI, microSASI and microTABI - ITRES presents the very first raw imagery acquired by our new microCASI.
Highlights of 2014
- μVNIR-1920 introduced. Small footprint, lower-cost, programmable hyperspectral (up to 288 spectral bands) visible and near-infrared mapping imager designed for both ground use and with small UAVs. Internal calibration system. Accepts GPS/IMU, easy Lidar integration. Custom fore-optics available.
- μTIR-640 introduced. Broadband thermal pushframe coverage across 3.7-4.8 microns, high thermal resolution. Accepts GPS/IMU, easy Lidar integration, internal blackbody calibration source. Custom fore-optics available.
- TABI-1800 continues government-contracted wildfire mapping work.
- Another multi-sensor sale to new European client.
Highlights of 2013
- UVC-1800 wide-swath, pushframe ultraviolet camera introduced. Provides broadband UV coverage between 0.28 to 0.375 microns.
- TABI-1800 continues government-contracted wildfire mapping work.
Highlights of 2012
- Introduction of thermal search and rescue TSR-1800 system for searches over ocean and tundra. Features automated thermal anomaly detection and georeferencing, 0.05 degrees C temperature sensitivity, moving map.
- TABI-1800 continues government-contracted wildfire mapping work.
Highlights of 2011
- Antarctica’s first airborne hyperspectral survey (VNIR + SWIR + LWIR) completed with British Antarctic Survey and DRDC Suffield
- TABI-1800 Ultra-high resolution modification completed to address power line mapping application (pixel resolutions down to ~2 cm achievable)
- TABI-1800 passes government testing for wildfire mapping
- Multiple sensor system with gyro-stabilization delivered to Chinese client
- TABI-1800 put into service mapping wildfires in Northern Alberta; fly at night, deliver processed and analyzed fire maps in morning.
- Work begins on compact, 320-pixel version of SASI (SWIR) imager
- Hyperspectral TASI (LWIR) and CASI-1500 (VNIR) delivered to multiple European clients
Highlights of 2010
- TABI-1800 inaugural flight success
- TABI-1800 inaugural night flight
- TASI, sensor calibration systems for CASI, SASI, TASI, and motorized calibration cart delivered to repeat customer
- 10,000 km2, High-altitude survey completed in South America using SASI/CASI for geological application
Highlights of 2009
- Work continues on TABI-1800 development.
- Design of In-Flight Processing System (IPS) begins.
- SpaRCal™ (Spectral and Radiometric Calibration) system released.
- Motorized calibration cart developed.
Highlights of 2008
- MASI-600 introduced; Design begins for new 1800-pixel broadband thermal imager (TABI-1800).
- Large scale thermal mapping project in US geared towards measuring building heat loss for government installations conducted.
- Gyro-stabilized mount (Leica PAV30) integrated with a dual VNIR/SWIR (CASI-1500/SASI-600) sensor package.
Highlights of 2007
- Triple hyperspectral sensor system: VNIR, SWIR, and TIR delivered
to a client. - UAV-compatible, smaller footprint, VNIR hyperspectral imaging system with Mini-ICU developed.
Highlights of 2006
- MuSIC™ (Multiple Sensor Instrument Controller) released.
- First multi-spectral region/multi-sensor sale.
- RF-based remote operation and monitoring system developed
and delivered. - Miniaturized ICU released.
- TASI-600 hyperspectral thermal sensor released.
Highlights of 2004
- Sensor development program with JALBTCX (Joint Airborne Lidar Bathymetry Technical Center of Expertise) and Optech Incorporated introduces custom wide array CASI-1500 fused to SHOALS 300T Lidar system for benthic cover mapping.
- Developed smaller configurations of the CASI-1500 and SWIR systems.
Highlights of 2003
- 2001 to 2003 – Multi-temporal remote sensing study in USA.
Highlights of 2002
- CASI-1500 developed.
- Large-scale coastal mapping project in USA.
Highlights of 2001
- TIR sensor development.
- SWIR sensor development.
- Large scale remote sensing projects.
Highlights of 2000
- Continued CASI and Lidar integration.
- Sensor fusion developed.
- Real time processing system developed for land mine detection.
- Second generation CASI developed.
- 1998 to 2000 – Large scale agriculture programs in North and South America.
- 1997 to 2000 – Large scale forestry applications.
Highlights of 1979 to 1999
- 1999 – CASI and Lidar integration for the Environment Agency, UK.
- 1999 – ITRES expands into the United States, opening an office in Englewood, Colorado.
- 1996 – ASI Applications Group. Incorporated geo-correction of data.
- 1992 – Tech-transfer program in Brazil.
- 1989 – First commercial CASI flown and sold.
- 1988 – Design and development of CASI (Compact Airborne Spectrographic Imager).
- 1985 to 1987 – Evaluation of CCD sensor applications, including measurement of X-rays.
- 1980 to 1984 – Developed concept for, and participated in fabrication of an early CCD-based spectrograph (FLI) for the Canadian Government.
- 1979 – ITRES founded.