uTABI 640 – C200 Takeoff (uTABI-POV)
Calibrated thermal video from uTABI 640 taken during takeoff at test site in China, 2019 Courtesy of RCG
uCASI 1920 0523 RGB DSM
uCASI-1920 data (RGB display) fused with VUX-1 (Riegl) DSM - both data sets were acquired on the same day from a C200 VTOL UAS
ITRES Image Gallery (-2018)
Examples of Imagery and applications from ITRES' scientific and UAS lines of mapping systems (2018)
High Resolution and Accurate Thermal Mapping Image with Lidar Data
Animation of Fused TABI-1800 (Broadband MWIR) and Terrestrial LiDAR over metropolitan Nagoya, Japan